Baldwin For The Arts:
Non-Profit Web Design

Exclusively devoted to people of the Global Majority, Baldwin For The Arts is committed to cultivating the artistic and professional growth for literary, visual, performing, and interdisciplinary artists. The mission of Baldwin For The Arts is to support the creation of art that reflects the lived experiences of African, Asian, Caribbean, Indigenous, Hispanic/ Latino/a/x, and dual-heritage backgrounds.

Located north of New York City and modeled after Cave Canem and MacDowell — a retreat where Jacqueline Woodson was offered her first residency, an experience that profoundly impacted her life and writing — she is now deeply grateful to witness Baldwin For The Arts providing this transformative experience to other artists.

In the five years that Baldwin For The Arts has been in existence, they have observed artists from various disciplines walking among the 100-year-old trees, jogging along the stunning reservoir, picking tomatoes from the garden, assembling installations in the greenhouse, and creating glorious work that, in ways big and small, will undoubtedly change each artist, their communities, and ultimately, the world.

baldwin for the arts website
baldwin for the arts

This site features the stunning effect of parallax scrolling, where background images move at a different speed than the foreground, creating a dynamic and immersive browsing experience. Additionally, we incorporated unique buttons tailored to the site's theme, allowing for a highly interactive and personalized user journey. These custom elements not only enhance the visual appeal but also ensure a memorable and engaging experience for every visitor.

baldwin for the arts non-profit
custom squarespace website

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Want a custom website like Baldwin for The Arts?

Enhance your brand's digital footprint with a meticulously designed, tailor-made Squarespace website that mesmerizes your audience and fosters active engagement. Each page, every call-to-action, and all navigation elements will be meticulously crafted to boost conversions significantly, while artfully presenting your new brand.


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